I am a newly qualified Occupational Therapist, having completed my BHSc (Hons) degree at York St. John University this May with a 1st. I have a varied range of clinical practice experience, including intermediate care and rapid response, intensive community mental health, vascular and surgical inpatients and inpatient mental health specialising in Borderline Personality Disorder with complex trauma histories. I have been able to develop my skills in assessment, planning and carrying out interventions as well as successfully and collaboratively evaluating these with clients. I have experience of utilising both the PEO and MOHO models of Occupational Therapy and have also utilised a range of standardised and non-standardised assessments, including falls assessments, the OSA and the MOHOST. I have independently carried my own clinical caseload, managing both individual clients with planning and facilitating groups and attending staff and outside agency meetings. I have been lucky to work with a large variety of professionals within a Multi-Disciplinary setting, including psychologists, therapy assistants, nurses and social workers. I have been able to record thorough and concise notes on my interventions and assessments in a timely manner, and have utilised notes systems including PARIS and FACE. I am proficient in using IT systems such as Word and Power point to create presentations and record evidence I have found through literature searches. I would describe myself as a motivated and enthusiastic individual who has been commended on her initiative and communications skills, and I hope to attain a Band 5 role that will not only allow the skills I have learnt to flourish and provide support to further my development as an Occupational Therapist.
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