Skytron's complete line of solutions satisfies a broad range of your healthcare facility's needs. We offer innovative technologies for CSSD/SPD, OR, Hybrid Room, ER, ICU, Labor & Delivery departments, exam rooms and much more. Each of our product lines work together to give you exactly what you need: efficiency, versatility, reliability, and cost savings. What's more, each of our products delivers superior performance, allowing you to keep your focus on the patient. Infection Prevention Products Sonic Irrigator Washer Disinfectors UVC Disinfection Robots Washer Disinfectors Steam Sterilizers Carts Prep & Pack Workstations Washer Chemical System Pass Through Windows Clinical Products Booms Lights Surgical Tables and Accessories Scrub Sinks Nurse Documentation Centers Custom Stainless Steel Countertops & Cabinetry Stainless Tables IV Transport Systems Warming Cabinets Storage Cabinets Kick Buckets Stands Step Stools Clinical Business Intelligence Products Visual Management Solutions Video Integration Displays Asset Tracking & Supply Chain Solutions with RFID Technology
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