Mr Simon Withey was educated at Sherborne School before undertaking his medical studies in London. He graduated in 1984 and continued his surgical training at a number of London teaching hospitals, becoming a fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh in 1989 and England in 1990. He undertook two years of postgraduate surgical research, gaining a Master of Surgery degree (MS). He trained in Plastic Surgery in a number of London units and passed the Plastic Surgery Fellowship of the Royal College of Surgeons in 1998 FRCS (Plast.). His areas of Plastic Surgical speciality interest include head and neck and breast reconstruction and all areas of cosmetic aesthetic surgery. Following the completion of his surgical training in England he was awarded a travelling fellowship by the British Association of Plastic Surgeons and spent a year in Paris. During his time abroad he gained considerable experience in both reconstructive and aesthetic surgery.Mr Withey was entered onto the Specialist Register for Plastic Surgery in 2001. Mr Withey is a full member of the British Association of Plastic Surgeons (BAAPS) and the British Association of Aesthetic & Reconstructive Plastic Surgeons (BAAPS). He has been actively involved in Plastic Surgical research and has presented at national and international surgical meetings. He has published more than thirty peer reviewed papers in Plastic Surgery and maintains an active interest in surgical research, having recently been awarded a research grant by the Royal College of Surgeons. Mr Withey is on the academic committee of the European Course for Head and Neck Reconstruction, and teaches on the Paris course twice a year. He is a tutor on the European Microsurgical course in Milan and regularly teaches Plastic Surgery trainees at the Royal College of Surgeons. He is a NHS Consultant Plastic Surgeon at the Royal Free Hospital, Barts Health and his a large private practice. His interests include all aspects of cosmetic aesthetic surgery, reconstructive surgery for facial, breast, abdominal wall and chest deformity.
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