Dr. Sanober Sadiq, MD is a health care provider primarily located in Oakland, CA, with other offices in Toledo, OH and San Francisco, CA. Her specialties include Pediatrics.
Full name
Sanober Sadiq
Job Title
Dr. Sanober Sadiq, MD is a health care provider primarily located in Oakland, CA, with other offices in Toledo, OH and San Francisco, CA. Her specialties include Pediatrics.
Insurance Plan
Aetna Choice POS IIAetna Elect Choice EPO Open AccessAetna Innovation Health Aetna Premier Care Network PlusAetna Managed Choice POS Open AccessBlue Shield CA Bronze 60 PPO SHOPBlue Shield CA Bronze Full PPO 4500Blue Shield CA Platinum 90 PPOBlue Shield CA PPOBlue Shield CA Silver 70 PPOBlue Shield of CA 2021 I&F PPO PlanOscar CA Cigna + Oscar LocalPlusOscar CA Cigna + Oscar Open Access PlusUHC Choice Plus POSUHC Nexus Open AccessUHC Options PPO
Source Type
Professional Profile
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