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Ian Rodin


Stonehouse, United Kingdom

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With over 35 years' experience in professional services both in the UK and Australia, I have experience in many areas, including external audit, investigations, litigation support, acquisition due diligence, risk management and internal audit. I was a partner in Ernst & Young for over 15 years, specialising in internal audit and risk management, focusing on the development of value-adding internal audit services to government and private sector organisations, and internal audit transformations. In addition to my clients-serving roles, for two years I was the Quality and Risk Management leader for EY’s Advisory practice across Oceania and a member of the firm’s national risk management committee. I have served on the boards of a number of organisations in both the private sector and not-for-profits and have served a number of audit committees as an external member. These have included, inter alia, Griffith University (chair), Queensland Department of Transport and Main Roads, The Institute of Internal Auditors(Australia), Brisbane City Council, The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority (chair), the Queensland Audit Office (chair) and Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games Corporation.

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