I am an academic psychiatrist with research expertise in health services research and epidemiology. I have a particular interest in the research and treatment of personality disorder and self-harm. I have over 15 years experience of leading competitively awarded grants. I have published over 150 papers in high impact, peer-reviewed journals, a well-regarded textbook on antisocial personality disorder and led the development of the quickest clinical screen for personality pathology internationally to date (Standardised Assessment of Personality Disorder; SAPAS). http://bjp.rcpsych.org/cgi/reprint/183/3/228 My published work has been cited by: • The House of Lords. Hansard reference: 9 Oct 2002 : Column WA23 • The House of Commons. Hansard reference: 26 Apr 2007 : Column 1282W: • Select Committee on Home Affairs http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm199900/cmselect/cmhaff/42/42ap02.htm • NICE Guidelines on the treatment of Borderline Personality Disorder. http://www.nice.org.uk/nicemedia/live/12125/43045/43045.pdf • Department of Health commissioning guidance for personality disorder services http://www.vast.org.uk/downloads/Health/CommissioningGuideforPersonality.pdf • Northern Ireland Personality Disorder Strategy, http://www.dhsspsni.gov.uk/northern-ireland-personality-disorder-strategy-june-2010.pdf • National Institute for Mental health in England guidance: The personality disorder capabilities framework: http://www.spn.org.uk/fileadmin/spn/user/*.pdf/Papers/personalitydisorders.pdf The 2018 Consensus Statement for People with Complex Mental Health Difficulties who are diagnosed with a Personality Disorder: https://www.mind.org.uk/media/21163353/consensus-statement-final.pdf RESEARCH: Descriptive epidemiology Randomized Controlled Trials Mixed-methods research CLINICAL WORK: General adult psychiatry Liaison Psychiatry
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