Asking for help can be a very difficult thing to do. Many people think going to a counselor means that they're admitting that they can't handle their lives or that they've totally lost control. In fact, talking to a therapist means that you are taking your happiness into your own hands. Have feelings of depression, anxiety, guilt or fear been getting in the way of your happiness? There may have been a family, health or financial situation that led you to the place you're at right now or maybe you are just looking for more.I help my clients find their way through difficult times and over the hurdles that stand in their way. I have successfully worked with clients on a wide range of issues including adapting to physical illness, struggling with eating disorders, overcoming depression and anxiety, as well as those needing to reconnect with themselves.I encourage my clients to embark on a path of self discovery, acceptance and personal growth. This does take commitment and effort which I know everyone is capable of putting forth. Please call me at 954-372-6444 for a brief phone consultation or to set up your first session.
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