Areas of Interest
Dermatological surgery; Breast surgery; Cosmetic surgery; Skin tumours; skin cancer and oncology; Abdominoplasty; Breast Reduction; Breast Augmentation; Liposuction; Facial Plastic Surgery; Facial Fillers and Injectables; Wrist surgery; Scaphoid Non-union; Wrist arthroscopy; Hand surgery; Carpal Tunnel Decompression; Trigger Finger Release; Cubital Tunnel Decompression; Dupuytren's collagenase injections and surgical fasciectomy; Dupuytren's Fasciectomy including skin grafts; Wrist Ganglion Removal; finger ganglion removal; De Quervain's Release; Joint replacements in the hand including thumb; hand ligament reconstruction, wrist ligament reconstruction; Ulnar Nerve Anterior Transposition; Total Excision of Trapezium and Ligament Reconstruction