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Deepa Bagepalli kri...


West Dorset District, United Kingdom

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I am a Consultant Perinatal Psychiatrist and Medical QI lead and Perinatal research lead in Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust. I am a part time PhD student in the University of Nottingham researching user experience with an mood assessment and monitoring AI digital app for pregnant and postnatal women. I am interested in Quality improvement (QI), leadership and medical education. I am passionate about improving QI training and coaching doctors in leading QI projects. I completed a two-year Leadership fellowship in Health Education England East Midlands and a Masters in Leadership for Health Professions from the Swansea University with distinction. I was a fellow in the first cohort of RCPsych Leadership and Management fellowship scheme (2019/20). Having completed NHS improvement and ACT academy, Quality and Service improvement and redesign (QSIR) Associate training, I lead the QI training for doctors in the Trust. I am an Executive committee member and QI representative for the RCPsych Trent Division and an active member of RCPsych QI committee. I am a member of RCPsych data and digital literacy working group. I am the lead for ‘my project and me’ module at the RCPsych Leadership and Management Fellowship scheme (2023/24) and lead for RCPsych Dean’s Grand Rounds.


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Royal College of Psychiatrists

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