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Christine Mejiliano

Occupational therapist

London, United Kingdom

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Pediatric occupational therapist with six years of experience focusing on pediatric developmental disabilities. The majority of my caseload comprises of early intervention and autism spectrum disorders (ASD). My normal day in the clinic consists of handling 7-8 patients per day, five times a week. I develop individually-tailored treatment plans according to patients' needs and goals, administer therapeutic activities, interact with other professionals to assess intervention programs and work with their families. I keep myself abreast with the current practice trends by attending seminars and conferences. In addition, I am a part-time faculty member of the College of Rehabilitation Sciences in my region. During the pandemic, I conducted both teletherapy and one-on-one therapy sessions. Currently, I'm a trainee of Collaborative for Leadership in Ayres Sensory Integration (CLASI). I have been an active leader and member of several organizations from primary/grade school until the professional level. I possess strong leadership skills and communication skills. Moreover, I am very organized and keen on details. I am always passionate and dedicated to the things that I do.


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