Mr Ajuied specialises exclusively in Knee complaints and Knee surgery. He has worked as a Consultant at Guys and St Thomas since 2009.Mr Ajuied was born in Kent (Maidstone), and went on to grow up and School in London.After attaining an Honours degree, Mr Ajuied went on to further qualify as a Doctor in 1998 from Guys and St Thomas medical school. Mr Ajuied has trained at a number of level one trauma centers, and has worked throughout London and the South East.While in training Mr Ajuied completed a postgraduate Masters degree, and has been appointed a senior honorary clinical lecturer in Trauma and Orthopaedics as well as director of education for South London Orthopaedics, in recognition for his contributions to higher surgical training.Mr Ajuied has traveled and worked in many countries from Belgium to South Africa. These travels have included, both specialist fellowship training and charitable work. In 2008 Mr Ajuied worked in South Africa (University Hospital of Witwaterstrand, Johannesburg), where he held an appointment as an Honorary Consultant. While in South Africa Mr Ajuied established a new dedicated Knee injury Service which continues to serve the local community, and with which he still has strong links, and continues to grow from strength to strength.During his time specialising in Knee surgery, Mr Ajuied has studied with and trained with experts in the world of Knee Surgery, including Dr Ponky Firer (Johanesburg), Dr David Dalury (Baltimore), Dr Charles Brown (Boston), and Dr Spike Erasmus (Cape Town).While in clinical practice Mr Ajuied has developed a number of care innovations, including new surgical techniques, devices and rapid rehabilitation programmes for patients undergoing knee surgery.Mr Ajuied also lectures and instructs nationally and internationally on topics relating to Knee surgery.Ajuied specialises in knee pain; Knee swelling; Knee injury; Meniscus; Meniscal tear; Meniscus Repair; Knee ligament; Knee fracture; ACL; Anterior Cruciate Ligament; Knee Arthroscopy; ACL reconstruction; Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction; Revision ACL; Knee Dislocation; Tendon injuries; Knee wear; Knee Arthritis; Knee Osteoarthritis; Knee replacement; HTO; Osteotomy; Knee cap pain; Patellofemoral syndrome; Patellofemoral pain; Knee Ski injury.
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